Sunday, November 13, 2005

new cat

We seem to have acquired a cat. It is a very nice cat, black, with yellow eyes, and he's been coming to the door whenever he sees me come home for a while now. I don't usually let him in, but sometimes he slips past and I have to pick him up to get him outside again. When I pick him up, he climbs onto my shoulder. When I lift him off my shoulder, he climbs onto my head. My neighbor, probably in a haze of some sort, stopped to watch us on his way back from the outhouse. I ended up having to put down all my bags and use both hands and a pole to get the cat off.

I think Kanipa Apa missed me and decided the neighbor's cat would go a long way toward replacing me, since we have about the same level of language skills. She didn't mention how the neighbors feel about the situation when she explained it to me. The cat is apparently permitted to go wherever he wants. He is under my bed right now, and I hope he stays and kills something.


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