Wednesday, January 19, 2005


You may be asking why I am always getting yelled at for wearing a light jacket. I have two coats: a red polarfleece, and Beast. Beast is a calf-length coat I bought in the gigantic Almaty bazaar on a day when I was horribly sick. I broke into a sweat when I tried it on, and I knew it was the one. Unfortunately, it left gobs of wet fake fur all over my feverish arms and neck. Eww. I got a very good deal on it; it now sells for three times the price I bought it for.

Beast weighs about 50 kilos and makes me a very big person. It has a hood and a waist-tie. It is not something you want to be wearing when you have a lot of walking to do and the weather isn't that cold. In fact, I think it counts as exercise to walk more than a mile in that coat. The temperature here has been between 0 and -10C, which isn't that bad, and it's only on the days when it suddenly dips below that that I really want Beast. Unfortunately, the weather can change quickly from too warm for Beast to cold enough to be scolded.


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