Wednesday, January 19, 2005

got chalk?

A boy in my ninth form class came in with a white pasty substance around his lips. I didn't have time to ask him about it, but during the break between classes, he came up to the chalk board, took a piece of chalk, and started gnawing on it. Then, he just up and ate it.

Other volunteers say that when they ask another teacher for a piece of chalk, it has tooth marks.

Some volunteers have so many chalk eaters that they have to take their chalk home with them, or it will all be eaten by the next day. Some don't let their kids write on the board, since it becomes a snack break.

One volunteer was trying to buy chalk from the bazaar (you have to be careful because some kinds of chalk simply won't write on blackboards). "What is this chalk good for?" she asked the saleswoman. The woman mimed eating it. "Yes, but is it good for writing on a blackboard?" " It's good for eating. It's good for calcium." "Will it write?" "It's good for eating." The volunteer decided to try somewhere else.


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