Saturday, January 15, 2005

night on the town

We actually had a visitor in our corner of the world, the famous Megan, and a couple of us volunteers went bowling and then to an American restaraunt, at which I spent more than I usually spend in a month (right now, expenses are Snickers, batteries, and internet).

I was an absolute rock star at the bowling rink, once hitting the "stop" sign at the end of the lane, and once having to chase my ball through the tables behind me because - surprise! - it had gone backwards. Megan had quite a run of strikes/spares with her perfect granny technique, then she switched to left-handed bowling and still did better than I did. Sometimes I bowl well (Okay, so I've been three times in my life now), so I had had some moderate hopes for the evening. But I'm nothing if not erratic.


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